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AyrMesh Hub2x2 – Long Distance, Good Speed

AyrMesh Hub2x2


The AyrMesh Hub2x2 is the highest power AyrMesh Hub for the longest distance between Hubs to cover your whole property

The AyrMesh Hub is the building block of the AyrMesh system of ultra-simple outdoor WiFi Extenders. Weatherproof and easy to mount, the AyrMesh Hub system allows for great WiFi and network coverage across your property. You connect the first Hub, the Gateway, to your Internet connection (any make of router), and additional Hubs just require power and good “line-of-sight.”

The AyrMesh Hub2x2, along with the Hub2T, has the highest power and antenna gain of the AyrMesh Hubs. The Hub2x2 is the perfect Hub when (1) there won’t be any other AyrMesh Hubs less than a mile away, and (2) there is “plug-in” power (or a larger Solar/Battery system). The AyrMesh Hub maximizes bandwidth to other Hubs over a mile away.

The AyrMesh Hub2x2 uses MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) antenna technology to provide more speed than the Hub2T and better coverage for WiFi devices in marginal areas. It is the perfect Gateway Hub for your long-range AyrMesh network. It will mesh with any of the AyrMesh Hub2 series, allowing you to build out your AyrMesh network wherever you need it.

Note that AyrMesh Hub2 units (AyrMesh Hub2x2 and Hub2T) should be placed at least 1 mile apart to avoid “overcrowding” – oversaturation of the Hubs with excessive signal strength.

*Setup Instructions for the Hub2x2


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