The AyrMesh® system is based on high-power, long-range outdoor meshing WiFi Access Points called “AyrMesh Hubs.” The first Hub is connected to your router and then mounted outside, high and in the clear for maximum range. Additional Hubs are initialized by plugging them into your router until they check in to, then deploying them out where they are to be used. As long as they are mounted high enough, AyrMesh Hubs can be up to 2.5 miles apart, and you can string them out up to 3 “hops” from the first Hub, potentially creating a circle of WiFi 15 miles across.

Other AyrMesh products can be used to extend and enhance the Hubs: The AyrMesh Receiver can be used to connect buildings and stationary devices. the AyrMesh Cab Hub2 is an AyrMesh Hub that brings the AyrMesh network to tractors, sprayers, combines, trucks, and even ATVs and utility vehicles. The AyrMesh Bridge is a simple wireless bridge that can be used just like a wireless Ethernet cable. The AyrMesh IndoorHub is a WiFi Access Point that can be used in conjunction with the Hubs, Receivers, and Bridges to create WiFi access inside of outbuildings. Our high-quality Ethernet cables help make certain that your installation will work for years into the future – see the article below to understand their importance. Finally, the AyrMesh Switch is a simple Ethernet switch: think of it as an outlet strip for Ethernet ports.
- Comparing AyrMesh Hubs – which to choose?
- About Ethernet Cables – important information
- “Line of Sight” – and how to get around it
- Continuous vs. “Spot” coverage – which do you need?
- Using the AyrMesh network for Precision Agriculture
- Using the AyrMesh network for your rural lifestyle
- Designing your AyrMesh network
- AyrMesh range and longer-range AyrMesh networks
- Using AyrMesh WiFi instead of Cellular boosters
- Bringing the AyrMesh network indoors
- “Nuts and Bolts:” AyrMesh technology specifics
- What can go wrong – common concerns and problems with AyrMesh
- AyrMesh in the press